Opt-In with These Lead Generation Tips

One way to steadily increase lead generation is to create an opt-in list for e-mails and/or a newsletter. Most importantly, it’s crucial to have an easy way for people to opt-in. This means creating a link on all social media pages and an easy to find sign up button on your website.

There are certain tips to follow to ensure that your well written and thoughtfully planned e-mails and newsletters don’t end up getting deleted.

Beneficial Information

Always provide your opt-in lists with information that they want and appeals to them. Sending out boring information full of fluff will cause a lot of people to opt-out in a hurry. As an agent you know your market but it is okay to do some research, especially if you’re putting out information on a niche you’re not an expert in.


Your headlines should be catchy and attention grabbing. Position keywords in your headlines. Keywords are the terms people are searching for on the internet. Your headlines are a preview to what people will be reading.


Using headers, sub-headers and bullet points is a must in the body of your writing. This is an easy way to break information down into sections and allows you to highlight certain points for your readers. It also makes reading your information less daunting and allows people to pick out which information pertains to them and read on.

Sometimes Less is More

If you’re trying to direct traffic over to your website, don’t give everything away in your e-mails. Create a link or two to your website and instruct your readers where they can find more information.

Follow Up

Once people head over to your website or begin phoning you, it’s important to get back to them as soon as possible. Ideally, when someone e-mails you looking for more information or to set up an appointment with you, it’s best to get back to them within 15 minutes or less.

No matter what your niche is in the real estate market, you need to keep those who have opted-in to your lists engaged. People that are happy with the information you are providing are more likely to refer you to their friends.

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